
This department with well equipped laboratories is currently active in extraction and analysis of the bioactive compounds from plants. GC, GC-MS, HPLC, FT-IR, UV-Vis, HPTLC and polarimeter are some of the instruments which can provide the following services:

  • Extraction, purification and identification of natural compounds from plants
  • Quality control and analysis of herbal medicines and drugs
  • Extraction, separation and determination, structure elucidation studies of bioactive components as well as the assay in laboratory and industrial scales
  • Synthesis of valuable organic intermediates and drugs
  • Consultation and collaboration in research projects
  • Consultation in pharmaceutical R&D departments
  • Admitting M. Sc. students in the field of phytochemistry

Faculty Members



​Academic Rank


​Ali​reza Ghassempour



Samad Nejad Ebrahimi

​Assistant Professor


​Mahdi Moridi

​Associate Professor


​Hassan Rezadoost

​Assistant Professor


Peyman Salehi​



  ​Progra​​m Title


​Entry Requirements







​Pharmaceutical Chemistry



​Pharmaceutical Chemistry

